Benefits of Solar Energy

Around the world renewable energy is seen as the solution to energy needs, mankind has harnessed the power of nature for centuries, as in the case of windmills and water wheels whose mechanical energy was used to power ancient granaries. However, the same humanity that has harnessed the power of nature for centuries has also become increasingly dependent on the use of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.

The widespread use of this type of fuel has resulted in a detrimental impact on the planet that has caused a considerable increase in global temperature as well as extreme environmental conditions that negatively affect the habitat of all human beings alike.

Recent advances in carbon (CO2) capture and storage as well as the world's "Net Zero" policy have created a global expansion of renewable energy which has resulted in technological progress in renewable energy production

Now, focusing on Mexico which is a country located between 15° and 35° latitude in a region which is considered one of the most favored worldwide in solar resources, the country has aprivileged position in relation to solar irradiance which is defined as the amount of energy (measured in Kilowatts) that reaches directly to an area of one square meter in a day.

Mexico has an annual average irradiation of approximately 5.3kW/m2 per day, considered one of the highest in the world.

That said, solar irradiance conditions in Mexico play an important role in the development, construction and operation of photovoltaic plants.

Solar energy has the ability to provide affordable electricity and thus help stabilize energy prices. Photovoltaic plants require considerable investment to build, however, they have the ability to operate at a very low cost level resulting in stable solar energy prices over the long term.